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The sessions

The sessions will just run for an hour each.  It is free form and should be focussed on any issue that you would like to have resolved.  If you find that it help you in your decision-making, we can further tweak it to optimise benefit to you.  By the end of the session of guided introspective reflections, you should have arrived at at least a broad idea of the solution to resolve the issue, which you can resolve either on your own or at further guided sessions.   The focus will always be on you and the discovery of the way forward is your discovery.

How we will run it

It is just as simple as we just set up a mutually convenient time to discuss whichever matter you would like to discuss.  This can be done by email or any other communications including on this site.  For the first session, I will leave it to you how you want to discuss it or any preparation before hand - this will give me an insight into yourself as a person.   The sessions are charged at USD150 per one-hour session, payable after the session.   If satisfactory to you, we can organise follow up sessions.



If you wish to set up a mentoring session, just email me to set up an appointment.

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