Like everything in my life, this website is still under construction. Appreciate any ideas how to make it better or clearer - content, layout or artwork
My blog
This blog contains my ideas from all facets of my life: my very contrarian ideas on management and business transformation developed under Jimeu Consultants; very fascinating facts from Malaysian socio-political history; my insights into the geopolitics and everyday living of the world around us as well as exploring the traditions of the Church.
All posts are by
Catholic Soundbite 08 - Lent & Easter
16 The Englishmen who founded the MCA
15 - Races working together
Catholic Soundbite 07- Advent & Christmas
Authentic musical performances and where it take us
Globalisation of food
Catholic Soundbites 06 - the Church Building
14 - Education system in Malaya
Pitfalls in hiring a new CEO
Singapore and the negative parts of its corporate culture
Catholic Soundbites 05 - Cardinals and Papal Elections
013 - Opposition to the Anglo-Umno front and the Hartal
Case Study 2 - The Project Management Dashboard
Catholic Soundbites 04 - the Pope
012 Onn Jaafar - a visionary but a deeply flawed man
Catholic Soundbites 03 - Bishops
Singapore and its social engineering
Case Study 1 - The young man
Catholic Soundbites 02 - Priests
011 Malayan Union - the Malay response