Like everything in my life, this website is still under construction. Appreciate any ideas how to make it better or clearer - content, layout or artwork
My blog
This blog contains my ideas from all facets of my life: my very contrarian ideas on management and business transformation developed under Jimeu Consultants; very fascinating facts from Malaysian socio-political history; my insights into the geopolitics and everyday living of the world around us as well as exploring the traditions of the Church.
All posts are by
003 Migration into Malaya
002 Malaysian Number Plates
Impact of culture & history on China's foreign policy - Part 1 Origins
Impact of culture & history on China's foreign policy - Part 2 Chinese hegemony or Western colonials
Impact of culture & history on China's foreign policy - Part 3 Weight of history
Impact of culture & history on China's foreign policy - Part 4 Challenges
Impact of culture & history on China's foreign policy - Part 5 Test of legitimacy
Judging past heroes and tyrants
Evolutionary psychology in our daily lives
001 How Malay became a nationality rather than just a race
Currents of history
What God is not
To love is opposite of being in love
What is truth?
Family in the workspace
Words that should make subordinates shudder
A true black swan event
What's your discount rate?
The CEO's definition of Corporate Governance
Running meetings - what you do after