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What I reflect on

Knowledge can only be good

I guess my philosophy is ultimately utilitarian to a large extent.  I like to understand how society works, how it got to where it is today and how this knowledge can be organised to better the human condition.  I have no qualms about pulling in knowledge from any source, sometimes improbable as they may be, in order to help make a decision, whether in the workplace or in the society sphere.  I have always been interested in the insights arising from the confluence of different streams of thinking, philosophies, subjects, disciplines.  Ultimately, if we can improve the human condition, does it matter whether the knowledge used is from - sciences, history, sociology, a TV film, or an encounter with a child.  Knowledge is knowledge and they are the fundamental building blocks to good decisions for society that serves to improve lives of individual humans.

Jim the thinker: About Me

The many fields of my interest

It is funny but I wanted to list down my areas of interest.  It turned out that there are so many that I have to group them up as pairs.  I have included in each panel, a flavour of some questions I am interested in.  But be assured, this is not an exhaustive list.  Contact me if you want a chat any or all of these subjects.


History & Human Geography

What fascinating events led to the situation today and in the past?  How do people throughout the world live?  How does history & geopolitics affect our lives today?


Politics & Socio-economics

How do political systems work?  How do politics affect and is affected by economics?  How do the political, economic and social spheres interact in human society?


Current Affairs & Military

What is happening in the world today and why?  What can national statistics tell us about what is going on?  What are the latest military technologies and how they affect geopolitics? 


Astronomy & Space

What are the origins of the cosmos?  How does stars, planets & other astronomical object works?  Are there any more stories of great adventures of early pioneering space explorations?


Science & Technology

What makes the physical world around us work?  What fascinating animals and their habits are there out there?  What are the latest development in gadgets & technology to improve human living?


Anthropology & Natural History

How did humans and our minds evolve to what they are today?  How did human societies develop?  How did the environment, food & history affect human societies and cultures?


Religion & Philosophy

What are the origins of rituals, traditions and practices?  How do religions & beliefs work in human society?  How do we interact and make decisions for the ultimate betterment of society?


Sociology & Psychology

How does the human mind work and think problems through?  How does human societies work in different environments & situations?  How does the individual human thinking fit into and affect society?


Economics & Business

How does the economy, created but unfathomed by humans, work?  What is the direction of business in the human society?  How do we manage workers as complete humans?


Music & Art

What music & art touches us?  What is the history and breakdown of classical music pieces?  What is the story and interpretation behind famous art works?


Parenting & Cooking

What is the right environment for a child to grow as a complete person?  What's the fast and lazy way to cook a delicious restaurant meal?  How do we keep the family ticking along harmoniously?


TV & Film

Movies that informs;  Series that puts us in touch with our emotions and thoughts;  Documentaries on all of the above.

Jim the thinker: Projects

My Blog on History & Current Affairs

The posts here are insights arose from a half-century of knowledge accumulation, giving rise to ideas into reasons why our world is the way it is today, and challenging much of the existing conventions along the way.  I am not a professional in any of this subject, just an amateur trying to make sense of the world around us from information coming from so many different fields but being a generalist with access to so many fields of knowledge truly makes for interesting insights.  I hope uncovering unexpected knowledge will inspire you to conduct your own research and mark on your own voyage of discovery.

My Blog on Living

The posts here are insights arose from a half-century of knowledge accumulation, giving rise to ideas into reasons why our world is the way it is today, and challenging much of the existing conventions along the way.  I am not a professional in any of this subject, just an amateur trying to make sense of the world around us from information coming from so many different fields but being a generalist with access to so many fields of knowledge truly makes for interesting insights.  I hope that these insights will help us all understand and formulate our response to the world.

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