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Your Strategic Partner

Assessment and Assurance 

I can assess any aspect of  company's administrative functions, including HR, finance or IT to gauge whether a remote office or department is running the way you are expecting them to.  I can also recommend tweaks or transformation required to support your strategic goals or identify the key value or risks of the organisation you are about to acquire or improve.


Basically I answer the question: Do the reports you were reading reflect the true situation on the ground?



Your Strategic Partner


Jimeu Consultants, your Strategic Partner for Business Transformation


Mentoring and Coaching

I will be your counsellor on all matters pertaining to the organisation and your person.  I will need to understand what shaped you, what your value system is, what makes you tick. Knowing you as a person will help organise all decision factors in the way most appropriate to you as a person facing the team, the operational environment and the personal situation you have.  These factors will be organised specific to you so you can come to your own conclusions, based on your life aims - your intentions, values, priorities and risk-adversity.


It can only about you and your well-being as a complete person, isn't it.

Strategy and Business Transformation

I will recommend a strategy most relevant to achieving the personal and corporate goals based on your and your team's intentions, values, and environment.  I  will propose a strategic roadmap that is appropriate to the capability & capacity of your organisation and the interpersonal dynamics of the people who will execute it, incorporating all elements in the organisation needed to be transformed in order to achieve the strategy and any other tips that ma help get you there.  I will stay with you to guide you or suggest any changes to your strategy or roadmap as they get  implemented, based on the changing personal dynamics & environment.


Its all about delivering the critical success factors for your strategic aims.


CFO Services

I am able to provide the full range of CFO services, including setting up a finance function from scratch, re-organise an existing function to optimise its support of your corporate strategy or just keep a well-oiled machinery pottering away.  I can help run operations temporarily until a relevant person is able to take over.  I can review finance outputs to recommend reporting, tax, cost savings, or internal controls improvements.  Or I can coach relevant capable members of your finance team to transit from providing accounting services to being a full CFO partner to the CEO.


Ultimately, you need a CFO, not just an accounting or finance manager

Assessment and Assurance 

I can assess any aspect of  company's administrative functions, including HR, finance or IT to gauge whether a remote office or department is running the way you are expecting them to.  I can also recommend tweaks or transformation required to support your strategic goals or identify the key value or risks of the organisation you are about to acquire or improve.


Basically I answer the question: Do the reports you were reading reflect the true situation on the ground?


What I would require

First as is normal I will require an ID on your intranet as well as access to the relevant documents, reports and manuals.  I would normally then speak to the key members of your team on a one-to-one basis and as a team, to cast light on these information and more importantly, to understand them as individuals and as a team.  You would need to set aside regular time for in-person or at least a voice chat - anything from daily to monthly depending on the situation.  At all times, I may need political cover from you if any of my assessments proved unpopular with anyone else in the organisation.  Beyond this, the requirements may differ according on the demands of the assignment.


How I work

While my charges are timebased, I don't not have a running clock and any risk of overruns on my time charge will be mine.  However, if significant unexpected difficulties arises beyond what was initially assessed , we may have to discuss any additional charge before invoices are raised.  But the work will continue so that things get delivered.


As is my style,  a lot of my work are done over lunch and tea, which would probably now be over more intimate zoom calls.  I will work remotely when my presence is not required on the premises but will definitely be there for any meetings or to observe the team at work.


Communications between you and me will be privy to you only unless you choose to invite anyone else in.  Whatever assessment or recommendations I render will always remain within the four walls unless you deemed it necessary to share with anyone else.


What I don't do

I would have no operational role in your organisation, definitely not an executive role.  The exception would be to plug a gap on a temporary basis until an appropriate person is able to take over but this has to be explicitly agreed, together with the accompanying limits of scope.  Implementation of any recommendations will remain with you even if I have access to the team but I would be happy to to assess the progress of the implementation to suggest adjustments as necessary.  Instructions will still come from you.

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